I wish I could figure out how to put a thing on here to track my weight, but since I am not blog savvy you will all have to deal with my posts starting out about what I weigh. I realize that I shouldn't weigh myself everyday, but I may do it anyway because I am not good at being patient.
Current weight: 247
Goal: 237 by 10/28
I am hoping to be 227 pounds by November 5th. That's 20 pounds in two weeks folks!
I feel confident in my purpose, but I am also super nervous because I don't have a lot of money to do totally healthy food. I will have to go to the Bishop's Storehouse to do some service so I can possibly get some fresh veggies to put in my food. It will be all about portion size. I got a big slap in the face when I ate a .8 pound ribeye steak and found out it was almost 900 calories! However, it had to be eaten because it had been in my fridge for almost a week. Well, I guess it is a lesson learned. Brianne is super funny because she said "You will be hungry all the time" and she was right! I am doing a 1500 calorie diet (that obviously did not go well today) so I will basically be drinking a lot of water and trying to find healthy snacks that won't rack up the calories.
My reasons for this are obvious. I am overweight, very overweight and technically obese. I want to be married, and lets face it, no matter how awesome I am on a personality scale, they aren't going to see that beyond my physical appearance. Another reason is I want to is for my own well being. I am on my feet all day long and I need to be energetic enough to keep up with my students and the pace of teaching. I will be honest and say that my energy wanes by the end of the day, but I know that if I lost weight I would have more energy in general.
My hopes are that this will overall improve my life. I have found a place in the world, I feel strong on my faith and my purposes, and I would absolutely love to be able to move forward with other aspects of my life and I am being held back by my weight. I want to experience things, but my habits stop me from experiencing things I want to experience, like sky diving or even the iFly thing in Ogden.
I hope I can remember that I need to be more powerful and strong than I have let myself be over the past year. I am better than I thought I would turn out and now it is time to put that confidence on the outside.