Saturday, March 14, 2009

Bad News

My friend is not able to go with me to London.  This was a crushing blow. I am trying to find a literary tour that is going through England, but most tours have booked since January. I feel very taken out by this news as you can imagine. Any other tours would cost me an extra $700 to go by myself.  I have the money; I just don't have someone to go with me. I could go alone, but what fun is a tour of England without someone to share it with? I have a big decision ahead of me. No worries, I do not plan to go alone.  At least not without a group to go along with. However, I could also go on a smaller trip and use the remainder money for my own benefit. What should I do? That is a very big question.


Brianne said...

Well I am glad you got this all worked out! I am super excited for you my dearest sister!

Casandra said...

You've got a chance to do it, I say do it and screw saving money. You won't regret it ;) Then again, what do I know?