Thursday, April 23, 2009


Today I got a call from my travel agency. They wanted me to come and pick up my confirmation papers. All of a sudden, this wave of excitement hit me. I actually started jumping up and down and tackling my Mom (she was not too thrilled about that haha.) It was like someone turned the light on in my brain and said, "you're going to London! Be excited!" There are still issues such as I only have about $300 for spending money. I am worried because it is too late to get any banks to change my money into pounds, and I've heard of three people's Visa cards that didn't work because Visa suspended activity due to the fact it was from a completely different country. My issue is mostly that I have so little money that any loss of any type of form of money is huge. I do plan to take a Visa, my Mastercard Debit, and $100 cash with me, so hopefully it will all work out.

Today our family friend T.J. Smith came to visit. He is checking out Weber State and Utah Valley for potential colleges and is crashing at our house for a night. It is perfect because he has his own private bath and some privacy from the rest of the house. It has been nice to talk to him on a more one on one basis. He might be going out for Weber's football team, but if that doesn't work out, he'll settle for UVU.

I have finally completed my last paper of the semester. It is such a relief. There was a moment where I almost didn't want to make it to the end, but I'm so glad that I did.

Again, as I posted earlier, I am so grateful and blessed. I feel the spirit crashing through my heart right now, leading me towards my goals. I know this is tidings of good things to come.

Monday, April 20, 2009

So blessed

My family was able to pull together a soccer team, so to kill time before I leave I decided to "count my blessings."
1.I have a family that is financially sound.
2.I have been able to work little jobs to earn some money instead of settle for a job at mcdonalds like so many other people have had to
3. I have two sisters that love me
4. I have two new brother-in-laws who love me and I love them
5. I have the opportunity of a lifetime to go to England
6. I not only am not afraid to go alone to England, but I know I have the ability to
7. I may be overweight, but that just means I'll never go hungry
8. I am mentally strong
9. I have three more classes to take before I graduate college
10. I have an extended family that loves me
11. I have good friends who make me feel like life is for fun and not to be taken too seriously
12. I am intelligent enough to know my potential and know that settling for a waitressing job or worse if below me, and the intellegence mentioned can get me any job I aim for

Thursday, April 2, 2009

All by myself and reading Dracula!

I am reading Dracula for the second time in a year in a house that is completely empy except me, and I'm totally spooked. For those of you who haven't read Bram Stoker's Dracula, do it, but read it in a well lit room or in the sun cause there are definate creepy parts. I haven't seen the movie and I will probably won't because I truly believe it will totally spoil my vision of the story.

My parents left for Paris yesterday and I have the whole house to myself. I never thought I would feel lonely, but it is rather lonely to be in a big house all alone. However, I am enjoying the solitude. I am enjoying the fact that I don't feel like I should be doing something and being productive. I can go at my own pace and not feel guilty for not cleaning up. Also, I need complete silence when I study, so it is really nice to have absolutely no interruptions.

I also have a confession...I found some old lingerie. My favorite is this silky nightgown so I've been sleeping in that. haha. Silk feels SO good against the skin. Especially when you've just shaven your legs. Too much information, I know, but I had to tell SOMEONE! haha

Monday, March 30, 2009


I am happy to announce that I found a tour group to join up with and I am now going to England. I make the final payment tomorrow and get all the info in the next couple of weeks. I know I leave on May 5 and won't be back until May 19th. Both flights are at reasonable times and I got the tickets for $800 roundtrip! I'll post my itinerary later, but I can't explain how tangible this is now that the money is paid. I feel so excited I just want to scream shout and dance, but that is a hard thing to do with your parents watching you. haha.

I do have some minor stress about finding a job. I have applied to the AMC movie theater where I used to work, but they haven't received my application and thus can't schedule me. I am very suspicious of this though, because my cousin Ryan said he just started right away and did the application later. Sigh, such is life for me.

I have an interview tomorrow and am totally freaking out about it, but it is a part time position. I am also realizing that even though it pays three dollars more than I have made anywhere else I have every worked at in my life, I will only get about 18 hours a week. The reason for this sort of let down is that I was hoping I could move out this August. This is not looking good even if I get the job I am interviewing for. I am worried that the stress of living on my own going, again, paycheck to paycheck is going to make my grades drop which is something I can't afford. I have lived on my own and understand the stress.

I am also concerned that I won't get into the teaching program at Weber State and will have to apply somewhere else. Getting my bachelors complicates things because it is either I just go through the motions and get the certification or technically another bachelors or I do the masters program which is even more intense work, but with my mediocre GPA I am not sure they would even consider accepting me. All of this and if I move out that would really put my stress level at a high range. I have considered just getting the certification and then going back for a masters, but that would mean another year or two of school and I really don't think I want to do that at this stage in the game.

Maybe I need to just stick my mind out there and see what I can do, but I honestly can say that I fear failure above all other things. I fear falling behind and not being good enough. I fear disappointing my family, again. I pray for patience for the things to come and come what may I just stand and move forward because that is all I can do. It is maddening!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Bad News

My friend is not able to go with me to London.  This was a crushing blow. I am trying to find a literary tour that is going through England, but most tours have booked since January. I feel very taken out by this news as you can imagine. Any other tours would cost me an extra $700 to go by myself.  I have the money; I just don't have someone to go with me. I could go alone, but what fun is a tour of England without someone to share it with? I have a big decision ahead of me. No worries, I do not plan to go alone.  At least not without a group to go along with. However, I could also go on a smaller trip and use the remainder money for my own benefit. What should I do? That is a very big question.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Park City-Spring Break 2009

I just got back from my Spring Break trip to Park City. It was totally random and yet we landed a really sweet deal of $50 per person for a two night stay in a Holiday Inn. There were four of us that went and I shared a bed with my friend Adam. Kellyn and Mark are a couple that came with us. It was an adventure that first night, but that is later.

We got to Park City at about 3:00 PM. We checked into the room and sort of lazed around the room. It was snowing slightly and so it killed any wish we had of going too far, so we hit the local movie theater for our source of entertainment. We watched Slumdog Millionaire (fantastic!!!) and got ice cream. Now, the ice cream is ironic considering it was a literal blizzard outside, but it sounded good and it did not disappoint. haha. Plus, it was Cold Stone, I mean come on! Well, the first night we discovered the pool and hot tub. Upon going in there we found it swarming with a rather large family. It made me remember being those kids with my family and running around like crazy probably annoying the adults that were in there. It was amusing. After wearing ourselves out, we found Wal-mart and decided to go see if there was anything interesting in there. Well, we were shocked to discover that the Wal-mart closed at ten. We discovered this by a Spanish announcement and then an English announcement that they were closing in five minutes. It was bewildering to say the least. Needless to say, we ended up back at the hotel room nearly passing out from fatigue.

Now, for all of you that know me, you know I snore. I warned them and even brought little snore things to go on my nose to help, but alas, in the middle of the night I get slammed with a pillow and realize that I was snoring. It was not very fun and horribly embarrassing, but my companions had a good humor about it for the most part so I let it slid off my shoulders.

That day we all decided to go to downtown Park City. Upon getting there (after getting lost to find Main Street), the wind started to pick up making us all very cold. We went in a few shops and looked around at the super expensive merchandise, but very quickly realized that it was much too cold to walk around. We stopped by Rocky Mountain Chocolates (oh heaven on earth is a chocolate dipped strawberry and a raspberry truffle) and headed back to our area or Park City.

We hit the outlet malls and, again, for all you who know me, I hate shopping. I'm not the kind of girl that can spend hours shopping. I rarely impulse buy clothes or anything like that. This trip, however, was different. We started on one end of the outlet and went into whatever place struck our fancy. My friend Kellyn and I found some adorable shoes at Journey for $40, but didn't buy them straight off. We had previously established that if we find something, we'll go around to the other stores to see what we can find there. Well, further down the line is a Claire's which sells little things like bracelets, necklaces, purses, trinkets. The first thing I see when I walk in the door and look around is a purse that matches the shoes I had seen earlier. When I say match, I mean they were meant to be together. Naturally, the female in me reacted with cooing awe and I bought the purse immediantly. Well, sort of. The Claire's associate had a problem with the register and it took fifteen minutes for us to get out of the store, but it was well worth it.

We hopped into the car to go to the upper part of the outlet mall. Yes, this was a lazy move on our parts, but we had already spent three hours walking and we were tired!! Kellyn's boyfriend Mark found some really nice Nike shoes for $30 and I ran into my cousin Melissa's husband, Brian. I had totally forgot he worked over there and was completely taken aback. It was good to see him.

Kellyn and I decided to go back down to buy the shoes and she wanted some dresses she saw. I bought the shoes and became even more excited when I saw how neatly they went together.

To pamper ourselves, we went to Ruby Tuesday for dinner. Yum! Well, my steak was awesome, but poor Mark got some dry ribs. Also, our waitress took forever getting our check out to us. We went back to the hotel and soaked in the hot tub again.

After a more restful sleep (I think they were all too worn out to notice my snoring), we all got up and cleaned up the room. We were out of the hotel by noon.

We stopped by the Gateway on our way home, but quickly realized that we were all sort of done. After a half effort to find shoes for Kellyn's new dress, we headed back to Ogden.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Just getting started.

Everyone told me, "Oh you must do a blog! It is so much fun!." Obviously, I caved to pressure. I probably won't post very often cause my life is not very eventful at the moment, but I figured it was a perfect time to post because I will be doing some pretty exciting things coming up. Thus, I decided that to put it all in one spot where everyone can see it.

In case I did not tell anyone this, I am planning a trip to London in May. I am struggling with a my friend that is going with me. Her parents got all freaked out by the movie Taken, and now won't let her go. Well, I went to a travel agent and found a tour group that we could join. The cost, including trans-atlantic flight, would be about $3000. The travel agent found an awesome deal of a flight ($713) and the cost of the tour will cover all breakfasts and a few dinners. Well I tell my friend and she said that she needs me to hold off until next Thursday to book because she isn't sure about the money available. This is extremely frustrating. That flight cost is the reason I will have $1000 left over for spending money so if the flight jumps back up to $1000 I am out three hundred dollars. Not only that, but the tour could book up quickly in that long of a wait. I'm half tempted to just tell my friend that I am going without her, but I am not going to lie the idea of going to a foreign country alone terrifies me. Not only that, but I'm a social person and I will go nuts seeing all the sights without someone to comment on them with.

I am getting into helping with Erica's wedding. It is strange to think that she will be married in June. I still have issues imaging Brianne being married! Talking about intimate things with my sisters has never really been uncomfortable for me, but it is the whole idea behind it that I now have a brother and will soon have another brother. I forgot both their birthdays already (Sigh). Actually I suck at birthdays in general, but that is a whole new topic. :)

I will be graduated with a bachelors degree in English by December and, cross your fingers, will enter into the teaching program at Weber State by next Spring. My GPA is the main fight, but I'm doing well so far this semester so there is hope. I have chosen to take a class this summer (groan), but that will leave only six more credits for me to take in fall. This will make more time for me to concentrate on those classes.